Highland Eco Design (HECO) have been contracted to construct the sites. Since incorporation in 2009 HECO has successfully secured consents for over 2 MW of micro-hydro capacity. They have worked with and continue to work with, a number of community groups and are members of the British Hydropower Association and Scottish Renewables. The company has confirmed that it has sufficient capacity to deliver the Projects.
The Hydro Turbines will benefit from the usual manufacturer’s warranty. As the Hydro Turbines age, mechanical parts may need replacing, but modern Hydro Turbines are normally extremely reliable. After Commissioning of the Hydro Plants, HECO will manage the ongoing operation and maintenance aspects of the Sites for the SPVs under a standard New Engineering Contract (NEC) contract.
Map Showing Location of all six Hydro Schemes
Details & Construction of each Site
Allt Dearg
The Allt Dearg hydro scheme is operational and consists of two concrete intakes with Coanda screens feeding an HDPE penstock. The turbine is a twin jet ‘Turgo’ machine manufactured by Hydrover Ltd. It is a stainless steel body with opposing jets. A direct coupled induction generator is mounted to the turbine which operates slightly above 1,000rpm when generating.
Size: 81.4 kW
Operational since April 2018
Feed in Tariff rate £83.40/MWh
Average Annual Energy Yield 267 MWh
Allt Laghain (Laggan)
The scheme has been operational since December 2018 and utilises a main intake on the Allt an Laghain burn at approximately 287m. The secondary intake is a similar design incorporating a half height Coanda screen. The turbine is a twin jet ‘Pelton’ type using Gilkes ‘Streamline’ design with mechanical spear actuators and a synchronous generator.
Size: 500 kW
Operational since December 2018
Feed in Tariff rate: £66.80/MWh
Average Annual Energy Yield: 1,429 MWh (When a complete year of monitoring is available HECO will apply for a variation to the CAR license which should allow a reduction in both the hands off flow, and residual flows, implying an increase in water availability for the Hydro Turbine. Under a varied CAR licence the Site should be capable of delivering 1,640 MWh). The lower yield figures have been used in the financial modelling of the Project.
Allt a Chaitchinn (Achlain)
This site has been in operation since October 2019 and is located to the west of Invermoriston in Glenmoriston. The penstock route connects two intakes close to an existing access track and then takes a route to the east side of the site, avoiding identified archaeological remains. The scheme utilises two intakes on Allt a Chaitchinn and Allt a Choire Buidhe both of which are at approximately 220m. The site uses a triple jet Turgo turbine with an asynchronous generator.
Size: 90.6kW
Operational since October 2019
Feed in Tariff rate £81.20/MWh
Grid Connection: The project has a grid connection agreement with Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD) for 98kW (98 kVA). Export connection capacity up to 50kW has been completed, however full export capacity is not available until 31 October 2021. The scheme will provide some energy to Achlain farm building under a private wire arrangement, the lease terms for which are currently under negotiation
Average Annual Energy Yield: 303MWh
Littleton Burn
The Littleton Hydro scheme is located on the Littleton burn at Inchmagrannachan in Perthshire. The scheme abstracts water from the Littleton burn which is entirely contained within the Tay Forest Park plantation. The scheme consists of two intakes with Coanda screens, and an HDPE and ductile iron penstock and a small turbine house containing a vertical axis Turgo turbine and generator
The Feorline Hydro scheme is located on Loch Fyne to the south of Strachur. The scheme abstracts water from the Feorline Burn which is entirely contained within the Strathlachlan Forest plantation. The scheme consists of a single Coanda intake, and HDPE penstock and a small turbine house containing a vertical axis Turgo turbine and asynchronous generator
The site is approximately one mile north of Rhiconich by the Easan Garbh river on the east side of the A838 as the river passes under the road discharging to the west